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How We Work with You
Other Wisdom
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Often the most critical service we offer is defining the communications need. Only then can we work with the client to develop the solution. We'll ask the right questions. We'll risk playing the skeptic. We'll tell you when it is premature to go out into the market with your message.
Although some of the communications vehicles we use are the standard ones, nothing is standard about the way we use them. We customize solutions — and we make sure they work within your budget.

Among the communications services we can provide:
♦  Communications strategy
♦  Writing/editing
    for internal and external audiences
♦  Management of outside vendors and
    other consultants on specific projects
♦  Communications audits and research
♦  Special event conception and management
♦  Web site content, concept and management
♦  Creation of communications structure,
    including style and usage manuals,
    crisis communications strategies, etc.
♦  Media training
♦  Media relations
♦  Graphic design

Writing is more than a skill;
good writing is of strategic value
to an organization. When a client thinks
its communications should be more effective,
the fault may lie in the messages or even
the vehicles carrying the story to key audiences.
Just as often, however, unclear writing or "business speak" fails to make the client's case
or to distinguish the client from its competitors.
Andrea and Karen can help executives
and organizations find their "voice". 
They have helped dozens of organizations transform weak, unfocused communications
into forceful, persuasive speeches,
case studies, op-eds, campaign materials,
annual reports, multi-media presentations, newsletters, marketing collateral,
capabilities brochures, Web copy,
ad copy and even

→ multi-armed deity of success, wisdom & intellect
→ remover of obstacles

Ganesha Communications
→ cost-effective corporate communications
for companies, institutions, start-ups and projects